
HazMat Course Module 5

The most effective method to minimize impacts of chemical incidents is a timely and appropriate response by the public health community. Because chemical incidents are complex and require the cooperation of many different agencies, a timely and appropriate response can only occur if the various agencies involved are co-ordinated and properly prepared. In addition, chemical incidents are often acute events. During a chemical incident, a quick response will be required in order to minimize the impacts. Time taken during an incident to develop links between agencies or locating equipment will be time lost. These and many other tasks can be accomplished prior to an incident ensuring that during an incident, efforts can be focused on the response.

IPCS publication, Public health and Chemical Incidents.

Read the IPCS document then describe both the local and national structure of public health resources for responding to chemical emergencies in your country.

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  • Last modified: 2018/09/01 09:01
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