Chemical and Industrial Section 3
This module aims to cover the toxicology of the following common or important chemicals:
• Heavy Metals:
• Lead
• Arsenic
• Thallium
• Mercury
• Other heavy metals including bismuth, cadmium and copper
• Products of combustion
• Cyanide
• Carbon Monoxide
• Smoke Inhalation
• At the end of these modules, students should be able to:
- Understand the epidemiology of poisoning by these agents.
- Discuss the target organs and clinical effects of poisoning by these agents.
- Describe the general management of poisonings by these agents.
- Understand the issues with decontamination.
- Understand the advantages and problems with the use of chelating agents.
- In addition to specific objectives in each section
This list is a cumulative list of all the references in the above modules, the relevant references appear in each section.
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