
A series of Powerpoint presentations used in the undergraduate medical students clinical pharmacology curriculum in the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. Prepared by Dr Ian Coombes of University of Queensland, and Safe Medication Practice Unit, Queensland, Australia.
These tutorials represent part of an eight module program demonstrated to significantly improve prescribing confidence, knowledge and performance and is now a core component of medical curriculla in Queensland.Safe Medication Practice Tutorials Clinical Teacher 2007.pdfSafe Medication Practice Tutorials Clinical Teacher 2007.pdf

1 An introduction to human error, medication errors, why they occurr and how to prevent themwk 1. error+safe prescribingv0_2.pptwk 1. error+safe prescribingv0_2.ppt

Further refernce material: two background papers explaining the attitudes and beliefs of junior doctors about prescribing the day they started as internsIntern Prescribing_attitudes_Med Ed_2008.pdfIntern Prescribing_attitudes_Med Ed_2008.pdf

and an investigation of why junior doctors make prescribing errors. Why Intern's make prescribing errors_mja_2008.pdfWhy Intern's make prescribing errors_mja_2008.pdf

2 Case study for safe prescribing (general principles) and safe use of anticoagulantswk 2. safe prescribing case + anticoagv0_1.pptwk 2. safe prescribing case + anticoagv0_1.ppt

Further reference material: A guide for safe prescribing of warfarin as used in Queensland hospitals Warfarin Guidelines with copyright vs 5.0.pdfWarfarin Guidelines with copyright vs 5.0.pdf

A guide for prescribing and administration of intravenous unfractionated heparin FINAL Statewide Heparin v3_0.pdfFINAL Statewide Heparin v3_0.pdf

3 Safe prescribing of aminoglycosides, key messages for safe analgesia prescribing and prescribing of electrolyteswk3. aminoglycoside+pain+electrolytes v0_1.pptwk3. aminoglycoside+pain+electrolytes v0_1.ppt

Further reference material: A guide for safe prescribing of gentamicin used in Queensland Health hospitals Gentamicin Dosing.pdfGentamicin Dosing.pdf

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