Files as of 2024-09-06 backed up on the server [2024-09-07].
Updated Dokuwiki to the latest Feb 2024 release [2024-09-07].
Install useful plugins.
DokuWiki Upgrade Plugin by Andreas Gohr [2024-09-07] - to further update infrastructure from within the wiki environment.
caption plugin by Till Biskup [2024-09-07] - to improve image embedding.
Move Plugin by Michael Hamann [2024-09-07] - most likely will be useful to alter the file structure.
Imgpaste plugin by Andreas Gohr [2024-09-11] - to more easily upload images.
Wrap plugin by Anika Henke [2024-10-16] - to allow columns, and probably other formatting.
Numbered Headings plugin by Satoshi Sahara [2024-11-05] - for numbered headings.
Include plugin by Michael Hamann [2024-11-07] - to allow referencing between pages without retyping. Has to be in the same namespace.
RefNotes Plugin by Mykola Ostrovskyy [2024-11-07] - for references.
EditTable plugin by Andreas Gohr [2024-11-24] - editable GUI for table editing, compatible with base syntax. Doesn't mess up table formatting when using CKGedit.
Hierarchical breadcrumbs turned on [2024-09-07] - to allow for hierarchical navigating; might need to revisit this because of the flat file structure and many-to-many relationships.
2. Themes/appearance
Need default page templates for
Class of xenobiotics
Antidotes/treatment options
References probably should not be all-encompassing. I feel that useful review papers, or studies, or case reports should deserve the mention in the footer. If we want to reference small claims, either linking or including the PMID would probably suffice. However, Farkas seems to link and reference all the PMIDs…
On phone with this template, two-level bullets probably should be the maximum. And if so, second bullet should contain minimal words.