====== Myoclonic Jerking or Hyperreflexia ====== Drugs leading to hyperreflexia or muscle irritability are often those that may cause seizures: * [[:wikitox:|TCA]]s * [[:wikitox:|Lithium]] * [[:wikitox:|Hypoglycaemic drugs]] * [[:wikitox:|Organophosphates]] (look for fasciculation) * [[:wikitox:|Serotonin reuptake inhibitors]] can cause prominent myoclonus and tremor that may be confused with seizures, but are an uncommon cause of coma. ===== MYOCLONUS and HYPOTENSION ===== Directly proconvulsant drugs include TCAs, [[:wikitox:|propranolol]], [[:wikitox:chloroquine|]], [[:wikitox:|lithium]] and [[:wikitox:|neuroleptics]]. However, if there is compromise of CNS perfusion, then [[:wikitox:|seizures]] may occur with any of these drugs. ===== MYOCLONUS, HYPERREFLEXIA and HALLUCINATIONS ===== Myoclonic jerking (without fitting) is suggestive of the [[:wikitox:serotonin_toxicity_detailed_article|serotonergic syndrome]]. Hyperadrenergic states (withdrawal states, [[:wikitox:|sympathomimetic]] drugs) and the serotonergic syndrome are associated with hyperreflexia. In [[:wikitox:serotonin_toxicity_detailed_article|serotonin toxicity]], the hyperreflexia is typically confined to the lower limbs. ===== MYOCLONUS and ANTICHOLINERGICS ===== [[:wikitox:status_epilepticus_and_treatment_of_seizures|Seizures]] and hyperreflexia are more common with [[:wikitox:|pheniramine]], TCAs (particularly amoxapine, dothiepin and desipramine) and orphenadrine. [[:wikitox:|Serotonin reuptake inhibitors]] can cause prominent myoclonus and tremor that may be confused with seizures. Hyperreflexia from SSRIs is often confined to the lower limbs. ===== MYOCLONUS and ACIDOSIS ===== Marked hyperreflexia or myoclonus in the absence of seizures suggests [[:wikitox:|sympathomimetic]] drugs or [[:wikitox:serotonin_toxicity_detailed_article|serotonergic]] drugs.