Link to [[:wikitox:problems_for_discussion_4_snakes|Problems for Discussion]] ---- ====== Exotic Snakebite ====== Numerous dangerous exotic venomous snakes exist in Australia, both legally in zoos and other institutions, and illegally in private collections. These snakes pose often quite different threats, through different envenoming profiles, compared to Australian snakes, requiring different management responses. Exotic venomous snakes known to exist in Australia range from relatively minor species, to some of the potentially most dangerous species. Detail of what to expect following bites by each species is beyond the scope of this document. However, a current list of exotic species kept legally, together with envenoming profiles and management plans, is available at the Zoobase website. See also [[|]] which provides the following management protocols and other information: ===== ELAPID SNAKES ===== Several species of exotic and potentially dangerous Elapid snakes are kept by participating institutions. For each species listed below, there is a treatment protocol, designed for use within Australia. The protocols are large PDF documents (some exceed 1MB); clicking on the link should download the relevant PDF file. Please note all these PDFs are copyright and are subject to change without notice. See also disclaimer at foot of this page. |//Dendroaspis polylepis// |black mamba|[[|protocol]]| |//Naja haje// |Egyptian cobra|[[|protocol]]| |//Naja kaouthia// |Thai cobra|[[|protocol]]| |//Naja melanoleuca// |Forrest cobra|[[|protocol]]| |//Naja mossambica// |Mozambique spitting cobra|[[|protocol]]| |//Naja siamensis// |Thai spitting cobra|[[|protocol]]| |//Ophiophagus hannah// |King cobra|[[|protocol]]| ===== VIPERID SNAKES ===== Several species of exotic and potentially dangerous Viperid snakes are kept by participating institutions. For each species listed below, there is a treatment protocol, designed for use within Australia. The protocols are large PDF documents (some exceed 1MB); clicking on the link should download the relevant PDF file. Please note all these PDFs are copyright and are subject to change without notice. See also disclaimer at foot of this page. |//Agkistrodon bilineatus// |Mexican cantil|[[|protocol]]| |//Bitis arietans// |Puff adder|[[|protocol]]| |//Bitis gabonica// |Gaboon viper|[[|protocol]]| |//Bitis nasicornis// |Horned viper|[[|protocol]]| |//Bothriechis schlegelii// |Eyelash viper|[[|protocol]]| |//Crotalus atrox// |Western diamondback rattlesnake|[[|protocol]]| |//Crotalus adamanteus// |Eastern diamondback rattlesnake|[[|protocol]]| |//Crotalus lepidus// |Rock rattlesnake|[[|protocol]]| |//Crotalus durissus unicolor// |Aruba Island rattlesnake|[[|protocol]]| |//Crotalus durissus vegrandis// |Uracoan rattlesnake|[[|protocol]]| |//Sistrurus catenatus// |Massasauga|[[|protocol]]| |//Tropidolaemus wagleri// |Wagler's pit viper|[[|protocol]]| |//Vipera latasti// |Lataste's viper|[[|protocol]]| ===== ABOUT EXOTIC VENOMOUS SNAKES ===== Further information on these and other venomous snakes may be found on the [[|Clinical Toxinology Resources Website]]. \\