====== 4.6 Regional Poison Centres ====== Internationally poison centres offer a variety of roles. An overview of their history and function can be accessed at [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poison_control_center|Wikipedia]]. ===== PRESENTATION RESOURCES ===== * "How effective are public information programs in preventing poisoning?", a powerpoint presentation delivered by Ed Krenzelok at the 2008 EAPCCT: \\ {{:wikitox:poison_prev_effectiveness_krenzelok.pdf|Poison Prev Effectiveness Krenzelok.pdf}} [782 KB] \\ This should be used in conjunction with the extended abstract: \\ {{:wikitox:poison_prev_abstract_krenzelok.pdf|EAPCCT 2008 Poison Prevention abstract Final Krenzelok 11-12-07.pdf}} [17 KB] * The role of poison centres in medication safety A powerpoint lecture delivered by Randy Bond at the 2008 EAPCCT: \\ {{:wikitox:med_safety_role_of_poison_centres.ppt|Med Safety Role of Poison Centres.ppt}} [56 KB] * On-line Poisons Information in New Zealand. A powerpoint by Dr John Fountain 2008 EAPCCT: \\ {{:wikitox:online_poisons_information_in_new_zealand_eapcct_2008.ppt|Online Poisons Information in New Zealand EAPCCT 2008.ppt}} [1.5 MB] * The role of medicines regulation in prevention of serious poisoning, Prof Nick Bateman 2008 EAPCCT: \\ {{:wikitox:medicines_regulation_in_poisoning_prevention.ppt|medicines regulation in prevention of serious poisoning.ppt}} [818 KB]