====== Physostigmine ====== A rapid response to physostigmine will occur in patients with pure [[:wikitox:|anticholinergic]] CNS effects. Less response will be seen with [[:wikitox:|TCA, ]] [[:wikitox:|neuroleptic]] and [[:wikitox:|carbamazepine]] ingestions. This test is potentially hazardous in TCA poisoning where it may precipitate seizures and cardiac arrest. **PHYSOSTIGMINE SHOULD NOT BE USED IF THE ECG IS ABNORMAL!!** |**File number** |**File Type** |**Audience** |**Previous** |**Year created** |**Country of Origin** |**Associated files** |**Submitted by** | |{{:wikitox:physostigmine_hoffman.ppt|Physostigmine.ppt}} [887 KB]|PPT|Postgrad|EAPCCT Keynote|2003|USA|None|Bob Hoffman| | | | | | | | | | \\