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2024_revamp_logs [2025/01/08 04:34] jkohts2024_revamp_logs [2025/01/08 04:40] (current) jkohts
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       * RefNotes Plugin by Mykola Ostrovskyy **[2024-11-07]**  - for references.       * RefNotes Plugin by Mykola Ostrovskyy **[2024-11-07]**  - for references.
       * EditTable plugin by Andreas Gohr **[2024-11-24]**  - editable GUI for table editing, compatible with base syntax. Doesn't mess up table formatting when using CKGedit.       * EditTable plugin by Andreas Gohr **[2024-11-24]**  - editable GUI for table editing, compatible with base syntax. Doesn't mess up table formatting when using CKGedit.
 +      * Mermaid Plugin by Robert Weinmeister **[2025-01-08]** - mindmap editor just for sitemap structure.
   * Hierarchical breadcrumbs turned on **[2024-09-07]**  - to allow for hierarchical navigating; might need to revisit this because of the flat file structure and many-to-many relationships.   * Hierarchical breadcrumbs turned on **[2024-09-07]**  - to allow for hierarchical navigating; might need to revisit this because of the flat file structure and many-to-many relationships.